Aircraft construction, rail vehicle construction, military technology | Appraisers, consultants | Architects, interior designers | Banks, insurance companies | Chemical industry, varnishes, lacquers, paints | Civil engineering, glass industry | Consumer market | Cosmetically institute | Electric utilities and power generation | Electrical industry and electronic industry | End-consumer | Engineers, Engineering firms, company of consulting engineers | Food and beverage industry, luxury foods industry, tobacco | Forwarders, haulers, transport, logistics | Furniture industry, kitchen industry | Handwork, handicraft, artisan work | Hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums | Industrial kitchens, canteens, cafeterias, caterers | Institutions of higher learning, schools, daycares, nurseries | Mechanical engineering, plant construction, apparatus engineering | Medical supply stores | Metal industry | Municipalities, local authorities, public services | Nursing homes, long-term care centres | Other | Paper industry, printing industry | Pharmaceutical, cosmetic, medical technology industry | Physicians’ offices, pharmacies, laboratories | Plastics and polymers industry | Property developers, general contractors | Public authorities, institutions | Publishing house, printers | Restaurants, hotels | Retail trade (with outlets or branches) | Retail trade (without outlets or branches) | Shoe industry, leather goods industry | Specialised retail trade | Textile industry, apparel industry | Vehicle industry, automotive, commercial vehicle construction | Wholesale | Wood industry, window industry, door industry